Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Be a Change Agent!

As of March 6, 2013 Facebook has changed their rules regarding your cover photo.  You can have a maximum of 20% text in your cover photo.  To find out if your cover photo is in compliance, click HERE for a tool that will let you know.

I just changed my cover photo.  Mine was very easy to do as I just reduced the size of the fonts, but many of you may have to redo your cover photo completely.  That isn't necessarily a bad thing.  It may force you to rethink how you want to present yourself to your audience.  It may be that you have wanted to change your cover photo but just never got around to it. 

And speaking of change, why is it we all dig our feet in when it comes to change?  Many people are paralyzed by fear.  It probably has something to do with the fact change doesn't simply mean embracing something unknown -- it means giving up something we are used to, something that is comfortable to us, like a security blanket.

Another way of thinking about change is it requires destroying and then replacing old ways of thinking or acting.  To do this we must first accept that change is not easy and then we have to go ahead and do it anyway. We must let go of our fears and especially our egos for much of the fear is driven by our ego.

I found this in a 2009 US Department of Education article by Craig Bowman, and wanted to share it as I thought it was something we should all try to embraceLet's all try to be a Change Agent and see what changes we can make in our lives and the lives of others.


Change Agents live in the future, not in the present and have a dream or a vision that drives their actions.

Change Agents are fueled by passion and inspire passion in others.

Change Agents have the ability to motivate themselves to work harder even as others are slow to recognize the possibilities for change.

Change Agents understand that real change almost always involves conflict and difficult conversations; and that real change is never sustainable without honesty and trust.

Change Agents aren’t looking for glory, or affirmation, or praise.

Change Agents understand that it isn’t about them or their own self- interest.

Change Agents live in the world of “what’s possible?” and “what if?”

Change Agents never stop, never give up, and never give in. 

Visit my web page to find out more about me, my books and schedule

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